Hey NintendoLife, I need a little help with something. Over the past several years, I've found myself trying out various headphones (of varying quality) and have been looking to find a quality pair of Bluetooth headphones to play with my Switch. Unfortunately, every pair I've gone through has had pretty bad audio delay. Let me make it clear, I know that's something to expect with Bluetooth headphones to an extent, that's just sort of the price you pay for going wireless. If I were solely listening to music, that wouldn't be a problem. With gaming though, audio delay is (naturally) immediately noticeable. With all that said, I actually have a pair that has next to no audio delay at all: JLab Studio ANC. They're super cheap, and the audio quality is very, very low. Yet, for some reason, they're the pair that's had the least/minimal issues with audio delay. Even if they do, I find that turning noise cancellation mode on and off again sort of resets things. For what it's worth, they've served me well, and the low cost makes replacements basically a non-issue. Even so, I've been struggling to find a headset that offers minimal audio delay while also having high-quality audio. I figure I'd pose the question to people on the NintendoLife threads, you guys probably know a whole lot more about this stuff than I do. So to those of you who use a Buetooth headset with your Switch, which do you use, and how is the audio in terms of delay? My current headphones are getting pretty worn out, and I figure I might as well get a proper pair for when Switch 2 comes out so I can kill two birds with one stone. (Assuming Switch 2 even launches with Bluetooth, I'd sure hope so.) Sorry for the ramble, hopefully I made things clear enough. I'd greatly appreciate the two cents.
Topic: What are the best Bluetooth headphones?
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