Just ordered Super Off Road for the NES online for $4.50, which is cheaper than what it'd cost on the VC. This includes shipping. Can't wait. The NES version is a great port of an arcade classic.
Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373
What's even worse is that I bought it two days before it hit the VC in NA. Ah well, I guess it's good for collection purposes too. (not that I actually collect games in the first place ) I also didn't feel like shelling out $20 for a Classic Controller.
Ah! I just read the 3rd post after adding my last "retro" purchase. I'd consider GCN games and PS2 games as Retro games, in all honesty. Even Nintendo counts GCN games as Retro since they're in the retro category.
“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” - "Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them."
I've been on a huge retro game binge recently, and have been eBaying lots of stuff. Most recent includes Kirby Pinball Land, Kurukuru Kururin, Sonic Battle, Faxanadu, Pokémon Snap and Shantae. Yes, Shantae was the most expensive of them all. I won it for £185! The rest was rather cheap, never going for more than £10 per game.
I bought another Game Boy Color from Play 'n' Trade not too long ago. It was a It was a special edition Pokemon Gold/Silver themed one with metallic, color changing gold/silver paint and it had Pikachu and Pichu on it (Pikachu's cheek lit up as the power light). It's so neat! I also got it for the dirt cheap price of $13 in pretty great condition. I was actually looking for that very same game boy color on ebay before I bought it and then I visited Play 'n' Trade and couldn't believe my eyes. I bought it in a Heartbeat.
Wii FC: 8351-4714-7815-3002 Mario Kart Wii FC: 3180-9688-8303 Super Smash Bros. Brawl FC: 5370-0356-7233 PSN ID: LunchBoxRules
I've been on a huge retro game binge recently, and have been eBaying lots of stuff. Most recent includes Kirby Pinball Land, Kurukuru Kururin, Sonic Battle, Faxanadu, Pokémon Snap and Shantae. Yes, Shantae was the most expensive of them all. I won it for £185! The rest was rather cheap, never going for more than £10 per game.
I have been buying a lot of game boy/ game boy color games on eBay lately. A few of the games I have bought: Pokemon Gold, Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons, Kirby Dreamland, Kirby Pinball Land, Dragon Warrior Monsters, Donkey Kong Land II, Donkey Kong Land III, Donkey Kong, Super Mario Land, and a few others. I'm also watching some more that I will probably bid on. Most of these games I have gotten for about 3-4 dollars. (and that's with shipping included!)
How was that fail? Was he trying not to buy the game, and failed to do so? On-Topic: I think 4 Swords Adventures last June 27(around there) No, i re-bought Kirby Air Ride in Septemeber.
Last year I bought a SNES with two controllers Super Mario all stars, Street fighter 2 Turbo Hyper Fighting, Super Mario Kart, UN Squadron, Super Metroid, Zelda a Link to the Past, Contra 3, and probably another game or two that I can't remember atm plus a NTSC to PAl converter (console is PAL some of the games are NTSC) AND an N64 with two controllers and Super Mario 64, the two Zeldas, Mario Kart, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Pokemon Stadium and some other games aswell. It was my first and only retro buy and I only had to pay 20 euros for it hehe kinda ripped the shop off, but in all honesty I didn't know these retro games were more expensive than that back then, neither did the shop owner.....
I've just recieved today ,a boxed mint condition original Gameboy with Tetris.Man it felt good to hold one of these bad boys again!! I've also just ordered Zelda:Links Awakening , Wario World Super Mario world 3 and Micro Machines.Got the whole lot inc postage for about £30 Bargain!!! Can't wait till my other games arrive ,till then Tetris will suffice quite nicely,it just feels right playing it on the GB. Awesome!!!
oh man, tetris on a gray-brick game boy... that takes me back to when i got mine back in the day, lol. enjoy it, monkey-man :3
BEST THREAD EVER future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!
This Month: POP: The forgotten sands R.B.I. 3 Game Boy Colour Game Boy Super Mario Land (Still in plastic) Orange N64 TLOZ: OOT Mario Party 2 NFSU2 DDR: Mario Mix Blaster Master Super C
All games purchased at Gamer's Disco. ( www.gamersdisco.com )
Topic: Your latest retro purchase
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