Snowball Magic Condé and Zelda Echoes of Wisdom
Image: Nintendo Life

Condé is a brand new character in Echoes of Wisdom who Zelda meets during the Rift on Holy Mount Lanayru Main Quest.

This gentle giant forms a bit of a bond with the princess and Tri, which is why you should go and help him out after clearing up the rifts on Hebra Mountain.

We'll be covering the Snowball Magic Side Quest in this guide, including where to find it and how to complete it. We all want to help out this lovable yeti, right?

Where to find Condé

You meet Condé during your ascent up Hebra Mountain. He's a helpful yeti who wants to get rid of the rifts and find his brother.

Once you've completed the Rift on Holy Mount Lanayru Main Quest and cleared the Lanayru Temple dungeon, you'll be able to pick up a Side Quest from him. But since he leaves without having found his brother, he's in a bit of a slump.

Condé's House Echoes of Wisdom
Image: Nintendo Life

He's pretty easy to find, however — he'll be back at his house, which is close to a Smoothie Shop. You should be able to warp there by using the nearby Waypoint.

Head inside and talk to Condé, who thinks you're here to play. He then tells you about a magic snowball that his brother used to change the weather. Condé thinks this will bring his brother back. With that, you'll get the Snowball Magic Side Quest.

Condé's Quest in House Echoes of Wisdom
Image: Nintendo Life

Snowball Magic Side Quest Side Quest - Solution & Rewards

You'll automatically warp to the top of the mountain, right by the snowball chasm. Your task is pretty simple: you need to bring a sparkling snowball to the northwest pedestal.

The snowball you want is rolling down the hill right next to where Condé is standing. it's brighter than all the others and has a light sparkle to it. Get in a position where the snowball will roll towards you and use Bind on it as soon as it gets close to you.

Then, all you need to do is walk to the far west side of the mountain, avoiding the other snowballs and obstacles.

You can either position it so the snowball you're carrying is slightly above you — that way it will avoid all of the other snowballs — or you can simply be patient and wait for gaps in the snowballs, then run along before they start to reappear. The path is pretty straightforward, but if your snowball breaks, you'll have to head back and grab another one.

Once you reach the pedestal, drop it there and Condé will appear. He thinks he can do it too, now, so that's good! You'll get a Heart Piece as a reward.

End of Snowball Magic Side Quest Echoes of Wisdom
Image: Nintendo Life

If you're looking for other Side Quests, we've got a complete list of Side Quests for you. Otherwise, check out out Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub for all the tip and hints you need.