For those of you who actively play several games at the same time, what combinations of genres do you prefer — all distinct or similar? Very distinct or just somewhat different? Also, how many is too many before you lose track?
It occured to me that I played 5 games today:
Super Mario Maker 2
A retro shmup
A picross/logic game themed around a farming game
An exercise game
A modern-world supernatural romance visual novel
I would be hard-pressed to think of 5 games with more different genres. Which got me thinking whether others prefer very different games like that to play at the same time.
Although I sometimes play multiple platformers, generally my brain gets confused if I play e.g. 2 farming games or two rpgs on the same day so I try to spread out my genres. I went through a brief phase where I tried to actively play 12 games of all different genres but that was too much.
What are everyone else's thoughts? It's a bit vague of a topic, so anything is fine.
At most I'll generally play like...1 longer/bigger/is on a cartridge Switch game with a 2nd often smaller, often download only Switch game on the side and then a 3rd game, either a game I'm slowly getting through on 3DS or only playing on occasion on PS3/4. And its still fairly rare I get to 3 games in one day (unless you count the absolute bare minimum I do to "play" Kirby Clash Deluxe)
I do generally do different genres, but I do it so naturally I barely even think about it. I'm sure there were points where I could've played Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and F Zero 99 the same day and didn't because obviously I wouldn't and spent zero time even thinking about it.
I am most like KKSlider here too. One main one on the go and maybe something I might play a tiny little breather of inbetween, but no more than that. For something like a TTYD or Mario RPG, I played that and that alone till I was 100 percent done.
I'll usually have some sort of main game I'm playing through and then anything else I play on the side tends to be something I can easily pick up and play for a bit that no story or anything, like a roguelite or rhythm game.
Topic: Games you play at the same time/variety of genres.
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