Oh, Harold & Purple Crayon movie 2024 was really terrible.
The premise of making the cartoon boy Harold grew up become innocent adult man that looking for the the creator of him in real world (Earth) and having very awkward and chaotic interaction with peoples on Earth was really terrible to watch.
My face was literally poker face for entire movie, with sometimes I raised my eyebrow for certain WTH situations. I didn't react in positive way until the end of movie and it indicated it was really terrible movie.
@Anti-Matter Wow, the film did make a ton of changes from the original book. When I first saw the announcement they were going to adapt the book into a film, I thought the film was going to be a straight up adaptation of the original book and not a sequel where Harold is an adult and goes looking for his creator on Earth and doesn’t follow much of the source material besides having Harold, the purple crayon and the imagination part of it.
But, I also don’t know how well they could have adapted Harold & The Purple Crayon into an hour-long film, and they’d have to add new content to lengthen it and have it reach a good runtime for a theatrical release. I read that way before they released the film the book got a short film adaptation and a television series, both animated, so I feel like a new, modern adaptation would have worked better in either of those formats in my opinion rather than a feature-length film since short films and show episodes can go for shorter runtimes and not be stretched out for an hour long.
@Pastellioli Yeah, so, gonna start by saying, that wasn't really shorter. Not really upset, but would like to at least gradually trim it down.
Conker sounds like it had some really interesting stuff, as well as some unnerving stuff. Ninty just can't handle that level of M rated.
Ah. A fighting game. That explains why I don't know it. Anime based games do tend to be a bit repetitive as an RPG, or they go the fighter route.. And, you saw the last foreshadowing cutscene of season 1, right? (Technically a combination of parts 1 and 2)
Yeah, I'll watch Jujutsu in time. And interestingly, those are some genres I enjoy too. Fantasy is great. I really enjoyed Inuyasha and Slayers when I first got into anime, soo, those inspire me a bit. Hanako-Kun in currently airing season 2 btw.
Yeah, I am concerned about how fast they'll introduce the cast, as, it might not be a good idea to have endless movies. Incidentally, some ppl are hoping in vain for SatAM characters in them...
SatAM was deep and dark for sure. I never noticed it when I first watched. But yeah. SatAM is ultimately a world and society devastated. Apparently, in interviews, there were plans to have Mobius actually be a post-apocalyptic Earth, with Robotnik and Snively as the only human survivors. But that never came to be. Also, at least one character from the comics was intended for a continuation, with a sneaky presence in the existing show itself.
Yeah. Them just putting all their games on other platforms is amusingly, the opposite of what streaming services are doing. Basically, no exclusives anymore. It may just work though.
And yes. I can see possible merits in sub services. As you said, it helps with watching tons of stuff, especially related. I mean, imagine having to buy all the individual movies and shows from the Marvel Capcom Universe... (Oh, what do you mean that isn't what it's called? It's what I know those initials as!)
Later this week, I'll be having my candlelit cake... in other words, my birthday is coming in a few days! I hope you're all doing well.
@Pastellioli I might head back to making levels in Super Mario Maker 2 sometime. I'm not sure how often people play it these days, but I do know at least one person here on Nintendo Life who likes playing it. Yeah, there aren't any Mystery Mushroom costumes in the sequel. They only change Mario's appearance depending on the amiibo you use, but they were pretty cool nonetheless. There's SMM2's Master Sword power-up that turns Mario into Link at least, with the sword and other weapons.
My younger brother also put a lot of time into Smash Ultimate, I remember he told me that it was his favorite Switch game. He's a huge Pokemon fan, as well. I remember that Agent 3 boss fight... that one was difficult. I've actually had a similar case, I wasn't in the mood for shooters by the time Splatoon 1 came out. Then I started liking it when I played my first online match. I wish I got into it by the time it came out, I also wish I played in its Splatfests, but alas. I would like to see what they do for Splatoon 4, as well.
I didn't go for 100% completion in World of Light, I just did as much battles as I could, and finished it. I remember there was this one Snorlax spirit fight that I just could not finish, haha. I do hope that the next Smash game has better online too. Splatoon's online has also worked great for me for the most part. It doesn't become a slideshow for one thing, lol.
Ah yeah for sure, I remember in the one I watched, the "jiggy collected" jingle was longer in that Banjo-Kazooie prototype. I should watch more of Rare's interviews sometime.
"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."
ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995
Playing: Sonic X Shadow Generations
@MarioVillager92 The Mystery Mushroom costumes were the most memorable things from the first Mario Maker for me, especially since some of the characters they got in there weren’t owned by Nintendo or were real-life people! I didn’t even know that one of the costumes was an actual Mercedes-Benz car. I think the wackiness with some of the costumes they had was what makes me remember it a ton. I can recall the Master Sword power-up being in the sequel and it turning Mario into Link, so I guess it’s very similar to the Mystery Costumes.
I put around 300 hours into Ultimate, which makes it my second most played Switch game behind Splatoon 2. I’ll say Ultimate is one of my favorite Switch games too! The battle was so difficult and it’s so infamous to the point it has gotten onto game lists and videos about unfair boss battles in video games because Agent 3 just shoots endlessly and goes all over the place trying to kill you. Although I think Octo Expansion had some really unfair rules for some of the levels, I like how they gave players a challenge and brought some of that back in 3’s story mode. I think the difficulty in the first and second game’s story modes is too easy (especially if you’re familiar with the gameplay) so I appreciate how they put more effort in making Octo Expansion and Splatoon 3’s story mode’s levels and challenges.
I wasn’t into shooter games when they released the first game but playing got me into it, and I liked shooter games even more after playing Overwatch alongside Splatoon throughout 2016, but I lost interest in both at one point and shooter games altogether when I started to play more platformer games and older games from the 90s-00s. I still like Splatoon and find it special since it made me like a game genre a whole lot. I played Splatoon a few days after it released and I participated in its Splatfests, but I missed a lot too, including the final Splatfest.
I tried to aim for 100% in World of Light when I was on a Smash Bros. craze a while back. I went the completionist route and unlocked all endings, the fighters and Spirits, but I don’t know why my progress is stuck at 98% completion. I feel like I unlocked all the fighters, and I definitely think I missed some Spirits or something, but I don’t really care about getting 100% completion since I don’t play Smash anymore. The Spirit battles I found the most difficult was with these spirits for Pauline and some Metal Gear Solid character. The Peach representing Pauline always ran away if you tried to land an attack, and the Metal Gear spirit had the stage poisoned and stronger defense. Some of the Spirit battles were so unfair haha. I think Smash and Splatoon would benefit a lot from having more stable internet, so I’m hoping the next entries for both of them also come with improved online play, since I find Smash has worse internet than Splatoon.
I didn’t know that detail! I actually watched all eight of the making-of documentaries on Rare Replay, including the one on Banjo, but it’s been so long that I can’t recall everything from the videos. Last time I played it was in August while I was achievement hunting, so I need to get back into it soon. You can when you have the time to! I think you’ll enjoy them, they have way more good ones, but a quick warning that some of the documentaries have unsettling content. I watched one on a scrapped horror survival game Rare was making and the ideas and concept artwork they showed for the infected people looked disturbing and nightmarish.
"Really only made it deeper, got me off the deep end askin'
Will we ever feel like we imagine?
Will we ever feel like we adapted?
Will we ever feel like we did back then? Just take me back when, take me back when" ~ NF
CaleBoi25 is still peak
Switch Friend Code: SW-5348-4240-7813 | My Nintendo: ZeldaNerd
@Mariotag Had a feeling I failed at keeping my sentences short.
The game doesn’t have much unnerving stuff besides the mansion level, but Conker’s cut content is interesting, especially the story where it went from a kids game to a adult game after people complained about it being childish and similar-looking to Banjo. The cancelled sequel had the most interesting cut content, but it’s spoilers.
It’s a funny name localization, but also a strange one. I liked All-Star Battle R, though I sucked at it because I’m used to ones like Smash that have simplified controls. I saw the last scene in the anime teasing season 2, and it looks very exciting.
I think you’ll like it! If you see season 2 and the film too, please tell me what you think. Fantasy is my favorite, as well as surrealism and science fantasy. I did hear about Hanako-Kun having a second season, but I haven’t heard much about it.
I think they need to introduce characters at a good pace. The cast could get crowded quickly if they went fast, but they would want to avoid taking long to introduce them. Spin-off shows could work with that, but I don’t think they’ll go the MCU route where they release shows in-between films, but I wouldn’t want that if it meant the quality went down from yearly releases because that can happen to some film series over time.
It sounds darker out of all the Sonic shows. Underground was the darkest for me since I didn’t see SatAM, but Underground has a more hopeful tone with the music and the de-roboticizing tool. The idea with the humans sounds dark, but I assume they didn’t do it because it went too far?
I wonder how that will turn out, but I assume it’s working well and they are likely considering doing the same for other exclusives, but it honestly doesn’t bother me. I think Rare’s Xbox exclusives were fitting on Nintendo consoles (in terms of the tones, settings, and humor in some of them) so it will be interesting to see if they’ll do the same with older games.
I don’t have any huge hate for streaming services. They can be helpful with watching long film series and I saw a ton of films and shows I now like (which is a few of the Disney Afternoon cartoons and comedy films) but it’s a shame that gaming subs like NSO don’t give options to purchase games separately.
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